There are 2 options to wiring our fixed tracking unit SC-GPS-4005 and SC-GPS-4001 into your vehicle, this really can depend on the the type of vehicle you are wanting to install the unit into and the options you require.
Option 1: (Preferred Option)
The diagram below shows wiring the units positive (RED Wire) and the Ignition (WHITE Wire) together to the same 12V+ or 24V+ power source, wired this way the unit will still function correctly but will not report ignition on and off this is our preferred option.
Option 2:
The unit can be wired to detect ignition on and off this is not normally required for normal GPS tracking however if you wish to monitor ignition on and off please wire the (White) wire to vehicles accessories this is useful if your want to monitor when the ignition is turned on or off, and also monitor engine hours.
Installation in motor vehicles is best carried out by a auto electrician, if installing the unit into a motor vehicle its best to be installed in dash as high as possible and hard wired to vehicles fuse box, the less metal surfaces above and around tracking device the better it will perform.
Check out our preferred installers list at this link Approved Installers.
Remember if you need further assistance please contact us we are here to help.

Sitecomm devices are all fully tested prior to dispatch.
Sitecomm or it’s dealers will not cover warranty on products if damage is caused by installation error.
Reversing the connections or incorrect installation will cause damage to the unit.
Sitecomm recommend that both RED and White input wires are fused with a 3amp fuse for protection.
Wiring information as above
RED – POSITIVE 12v or 24v
SC-SOL1 Solar GPS Tracking Installation
Installation of the solar device is simple using some Sikaflex 291 Marine Adhesive Sealant available from your local hardware store, or by using the mounting holes on the device.
Thoroughly clean the surface you wish to install the device on and apply Sikaflex 291 to the bottom of the Solar tracking device and mount to the roof of the vehicle. (i.e., Caravan, Horse Float etc.)
Allow the Sikaflex to dry for approximately 24 hours before driving/towing vehicle.

The SC-SOL1 tracking device is designed to charge from sunlight and maintain charge, if the device does not see the sunlight for some time the unit’s battery can go flat, included with the device is a magnetic charging cable that can charge the unit if needed, however if the unit sees sunlight on a regular basis, then charging is not required.
The Solar tracking device battery will last up to approximately 3 months on a full charge, and will only take 1-2 days of full sunlight to fully charge.
Battery level of the device can be monitored in the tracking platform.